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Lydia Pickering

Like Me, Follow Me, Hit Me Up

No...not literally, of course...this post is about my social media integration. How fun!...Like it is really, genuinely fun!

So, as somebody who wants to be a part of the greatest industry known to man, I have had to try and promote myself, not only by sharing my illustrations and other creative works but also by promoting myself as a professional in the business.

I have thrown myself out there on the most popular of social media sites; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the more professional of the sites, LinkedIn. The links to these accounts can be found on my 'About' page.

First of all, my Facebook page was created as a way to get my work shown amongst my friends, family and the general public. This social media site is a great way to share images, events and get a good fan base.

With Instagram, I have followed industry professionals as a way to get daily inspiration, friends and family as a way to get a good fan base and finally, a hefty bunch of strangers, way out there in the depths of the general public (because it would be rude not to follow them back)! Instagram is a way to solely focus on getting artwork out there...whether it's good or just done for a bit of fun...anything you draw or photograph could be posted. Personally, I have a professional account for all of my top grade illustrations and projects and my personal account used for photos of my axolotls and quick unrelated drawings. and Twitter have never really got on...but I have attempted to create yet another account on there as a way to boost my chances of getting noticed. With Twitter, you are able to share images, events, links and repost other peoples tweets. As I am just starting out on Twitter again for the third time, I have only shared my own blog posts. Twitter is a great way to get a fan base, and also be a part of a fan base.

The final social media account I created was at LinkedIn. This is not a place for memes, viral videos or arguing in the comments...LinkedIn is strictly for professionals. With LinkedIn it's not about how many friends you have, it's all about the connections you make within the industry that could be very beneficial to you when applying for a job role. Oh, that's another thing...with LinkedIn, you are able to view any available jobs suitable for you! On LinkedIn it is always best to only post industry standard or your very best work, this is because there are a lot of professionals on there looking around for potential employees!

So, that's it for now. I'd like to say a big thank you to my followers on all of my accounts and a special thank you to you for reading this!

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